Go deeper into your yoga practice or learn a new skill. Our workshops, courses and events run regularly throughout the year. We often invite guest teachers and experts to inspire and educate.

  • reiki-infused nidra

    Saturday 22.7

    7 - 8.30pm

    Bring your blankets and pillows and come drift away with us at SoulTribe! We are excited to offer you a blissful evening of energy healing to leave you feeling aligned, balanced and relaxed.

  • Nourish Your Soul

    Saturday 22.7

    7.30 - 9.30am

    SoulTribe teams up with Zoe Cooper Nutrition for a morning of yoga, nutrition advice, juices, breakfast nibbles, ebook and a walking meditation in Millington Woods. Meet at 7.30 in Millington Woods car park, by the picnic tables.

  • Dance for Wellbeing

    Saturday 29.7

    7 - 8.30pm

    A holistic approach to dance that focuses on your Body and Mind as well as your Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing .

    Hosted by Kitty, who hopes to create a space where you can connect to yourself and feel able to let yourself go, feeling free to move as you wish, focusing on how the dance makes you feel rather than what it looks like .

  • Soul sisters of the moon

    We gather together in Circle at the New Moon and the Full Moon, in Sisterhood and celebration of She, Shakti, the Divine Feminine. Each gathering is an offering to Sisterhood and Soul - anyone who identifies as female is welcome. When women gather, magick happens…