

    Founder of SoulTribe, Yoga Teacher and Jikiden Reiki Practitioner

    The word 'Yoga' means 'to unite', and that's what SoulTribe is all about - connection. Connecting to your body, your breath, your inner knowing, your magic, your life force. At SoulTribe, yoga isn’t just about stretching or achieving the ‘perfect’ pose - it’s about meeting yourself as you are, in all your messy, imperfect glory. I think of yoga as a ‘moving meditation’, a way of shifting energy so that you always end a class feeling better than when you began.

  • Abey Lawrence

    I am an experienced Physiotherapist, Clinical Pilates and Therapeutic Yoga teacher. I feel passionate about the ways that Yoga and Pilates can form a core part of helping to to regain and build an excellent quality of life.


    I discovered Yoga with Lucy at Soul tribe when she taught in the tiny church in Wilberfoss. Being a little disillusioned with the world, my desire to share Yoga with others strengthened and that lead me to study to teach. Here I am today offering classes at SoulTribe and forever a student to Yoga. My style is mindful, contemplative yet strong. I have an interest on the impact of Yoga and movement on our wellbeing. Alongside Yoga I am also a Physiotherapist, I love running on the trials and I am a Pocklington runner.


    I bring mindful awareness to our yoga classes, helping you connect to your true self. I'm also a life coach, enabling women to empower themselves during challenging life situations. I have also recently completed my Reiki Master qualification and can help restore and balance your inner energies and find deep relaxation.

  • Salli Radford

    I attended my first yoga class more than 30 years ago, dipping in and out of different styles with different teachers before settling on a regular Ashtanga practice in 2018. I now practice several mornings a week and have experienced transformations in my physical and mental health, becoming stronger, less stressed, and more patient with others. I'm thrilled to be able to share the joy of this practice with the Soul Tribe community.


    Jessica is a magical practitioner who facilitates our Moon Circle each month here at SoulTribe, and offers one to one tarot reading from our therapy room. She also runs our Magical Craft sessions, weaving together the magic of creation with the magic of connection. She follows in the Wise Woman tradition, and draws on art therapy, tarot, astrology, plant wisdom and more to hold space for others on their journey of spiritual growth and healing.